T'ai Chi For Geniuses

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This is a book I wrote about T'ai-Chi and no you don't have to be a genius to use or enjoy it. You need only be open to the idea that there might be a genius inside you and that this genius can be listened to, learned from, and trusted.

T'AI-CHI CHUAN is a Chinese martial art based on consciously aligning with the unforced balance of Yin and Yang energies that underlies all things. Whether or not you are interested in martial arts, T'ai-Chi principles of balance can be applied to any life activity to increase performance, efficiency, health and enjoyment.

T'AI-CHI FOR GENIUSES is a practice companion, not an instructional training manual. Rather than presuming that the reader is a "dummy" or "complete idiot," I assert that there is an inner "genius" within everyone. This genius is a wellspring of intuitive knowledge vastly more intelligent than our conscious minds. I encourage the reader to listen to this inner genius while I break down the often confusing and mysterious T'ai-Chi training into four levels of work: Bone, Muscle, Energy and Spirit. Applying these levels of work to solo form training, partner work, weapons training, and daily life, I show how you can improve the quality and clarity of your practice, eventually becoming your own teacher and student.

I live and teach T'ai-Chi in Ashland Oregon and I've been teaching since 1985. I was certified to teach T'ai-Chi by Andrew Dale of the Xin Qi Shen Dojo in Seattle Washington. I combine traditional Chinese principles of health, balance, and self-defense, with a Western, psychological, bioenergetic approach in an on-going exploration of the mind/body connection.

You should be able to order the book at your local bookstore or you can purchase it on line. Below you will find links to purchase the book through Amazon or iUniverse. You'll also find a link to get a free look at the Introduction.

Free Introduction

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